Anti-slip protection has long since ceased to be a trend, but is now an integral part of planning for bathrooms, tiled floors, stairs and wherever slippery floors lead to slipping accidents. The press has also reported extensively on slip protection, slip resistance and slip resistance classes. Magazines show how bathrooms, slippery tiles and stairs become non-slip. In addition, trade magazines report how anti-slip coverings ensure occupational safety in greasy, oily workplaces. The common denominator, whether in private bathrooms, public swimming pools or commercial canteens: SWISSGriP anti-slip coatings as a sustainable and hygienic anti-slip solution.
Bavarian State Newspaper: Weatherproof anti-slip coating for wood, 06 22
sb - sport baths leisure facilities: Slip-proof for guests, 03 2022
Municipal information: Making wooden planks that pose a risk of falling safer. 06 2022
exact wood craft: Wood does not have to be slippery. 04 2022
Liegenschaft Aktuell: Beständigkeit gegen Bakterien und Pilze. 06 2021
Sport Bäder Freizeit Bauten: Gefahrloses Begehen von Holzbelägen. 04 2021
Hotellerie Gastronomie Zeitung: Anti-slip and anti-bacterial. 14 2021
CARE konkret: Anti-slip, anti-bacterial and also anti-microbial. 07 2021
mo Surface technology: Anti-slip coating now even safer. 05 2021
Submissons Anzeiger: Pedestrian underpass: non-slip in no time. 02 2021
Journal Architekten Planer: Non-slip coating increases safety. 07 2020
Removieren XXL: Rather than antislip-mats: grip coating. 02 2020
Submisson Anzeiger: Anti-slip coating on stainless steel stairs. 02 2020.
Installation DKZ: Anti-slip-protection: non-slip-coating Stairs. 12 2019.
CareManagement: Success factor bathroom for outpatient care. 12 2019.
DETAIL: Product Award 2019 for SWISSGriP non-slip coatings. 08 2019.
Installation DKZ: Surface coating makes walkways non-slip. 05 2019.
Surface-Magazin: Surface coating for non-slip walkways. 2019.
Architecture: Skating rink in the shower. Slip safety classes. 1–2 2019.
Stone-Magazine for natural stone: slip resistance classes. 02 2019.
50+ Building, Home ,living: Remodelling bath & shower. 01 2019.
Architekture Magazine: Anti-slip classes and certifications. 01 2019.
Sanitary Journal: Barrier-free "I walked into the bath-room like on eggshells" 01 2019.
IKZ Building services: Slip safety for hotel guests. Non-slip Day Spa. 04 2019.
rationel Cleaning CH. Products: grip coating against slipping. 03 2019 + 05 2019.
Submissions Anzeiger: Surface coating makes floors slip-resistant. 90 2019.
Healing professions. The care magazine: Anti-slip coating. 05 2019.
K Zeitung: GriP Surface coating makes passways slip-resistant. 2019.
haustec: SWISSGriP for penguins. Slip-proof waddling. 05 2019.
Modern building technology: care bath. Accessibility for seniors. 2019.
Submissions Anzeiger: New study "Care Bath 2030" - Sanitary Rooms. 38 2019.
Luzerner Zeitung: Rotkreuzer firm makes showers anti-slip. p. 24, 12 2018.
Wellness Ideas: Safe barefoot walking with SwissGrip. S. 51, 2018/2019.
Installation-DKZ: Anti-Slip step by step. p. 39-42, 10 2018.
KMT Hospital: GriP Antislip coating for patient safety. P. 50-51, 10 2018.
Stein Keramik Sanitär: Anti-slip Floors for the Driving Range 04 2018
HOTEL+TECHNIK: Bathtubs in Sheraton Hotel with non-slip solution by GriP. 01 2018
SI Fachmagazin SHK: increased security step by step, 03-2018
Construction & Renovation: Anti-slip-coating, 3/4 2018 S. 46.
Baustoffpartner: Non-Slip coating in Westin Hotel, S. 68, 12 2017
Sanitär Heizung Technik SHT: Anti slip coating in Sheraton Hotel, 2017
sb Journal: surface coating against wet & slippery floors, 2017
Praxis Gesundheit: TV health Show on GriP Antislip Coatings 2014