A transparent anti-slip coating that can be subsequently applied to surfaces and which ensures safety on many materials when walking or standing on slippery surfaces.
A transparent anti-slip coating that can be subsequently applied to surfaces and which ensures safety on many materials when walking or standing on slippery surfaces.
SWISSGriP Bath & Floor is a DIY set and was developed for the private user. The set contains also all the tools you need for the application.
GriP AntiSlip / SWISS GRIP® is transparent and lets the colour of the coated underlying surface appear through it with hardly any change. If you require GriP AntiSlip / SWISS GRIP® in other colours, please get in touch we us.
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Whether the floor you intend coating is only walked on with bare feet or on shoes, GriP AntiSlip / SWISS GRIP® Bath & Floor is the right product for you. For large commercial areas please get in touch with us.
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GriP AntiSlip / SWISS GRIP® Bath & Floor can be easily bought from our online Shop If you are planning to use GriP AntiSlip / SWISS GRIP® coatings on a large commercial scale, please get in touch with us.
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Yellowish discolourations occur when
- the cleaning was not done with a brush
- or no grease / limescale dissolving cleaning agent was used.
A brush is important from the beginning to safely remove the dirt around the anti-slip granulation. Otherwise, over time, chemical reactions will occur due to shower residues, which in most cases will result in staining.
Detergent powder has proven effective here. To do this, the powder must be massaged on with a damp brush, and ideally it should be covered with e.g. cling film and allowed to take effect.
Once the detergent powder has done its job, it should be cleaned with a brush and regular bathroom cleaner 1–2 times a week.