Client: Private House, HÜhnenberg, Switzerland
Assignment: Non-slip coating 57qm of the pool area.

Substrate: Travertine dimension stone, polished.

Antislip Solution: SWISS GRIP Bathroom
Slip Resistance: Slip resistance class C
Class C:      DIN EN 16165 / DIN51097 – Angle of inclination ≥ 24°
Class R11:  DIN EN 16165 / DIN51130 – Angle of inclination 19°-27°

Non-slip travertine dimension stone at pool area.

Preventive slip protection at the pool with anti-slip coating by SWISS GRIP.

The pool in a private house is frequently used by all family members. The flooring is of travertine dimension stone. Travertine is typically light cream to tan in colour. The beautiful appearance and its soft touch make it a popular material for use inside and out. Mostly this natural stone is used as floor tiles.

A In order to prevent slipping accidents, the polished natural stone travertine was coated non-slip with SWISS GRIP. This means that young and old can walk safely even when the floor tiles surrounding the pool are wet.

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