Client: Credit Suisse Tower in Zurich Oerlikon, Switzerland
Assignment: Slip resistance in lobby and walkways.

Substrate: Natural Stone Tiles.

Antislip Solution: SWISSGriP Floor
Slip Resistance: Slip resistance class C
Class C:      DIN EN 16165 / DIN51097 – Angle of inclination ≥ 24°
Class R11:  DIN EN 16165 / DIN51130 – Angle of inclination 19°-27°

Natural stone floor with slip resistant coating.

The entrance hall of the Credit Suisse Bank consists of natural stone that was slippery. With GriP AntiSlip coating class R11 the floor is now slip resistant.

The entrance hall of the Credit Suisse Tower is made of natural stone that is both representative and non-slip. The lobby of the office building was coated by us - in cooperation with a specialist company for floor sealing - over the weekend with a GriP anti-slip coating. A total of 500 square meters in only 2 days. Customers and employees now have non-slip access after the anti-slip coating with SWISS GriP Anti-Slip Floor.

Slip-resistant tiles mean safety for all users. They minimize the risk of slipping and are therefore highly recommended, especially in busy areas.
Tiles for work rooms, commercial and public areas, must have the prescribed degree of slip resistance according to the evaluation groups R9 to R13 according to DIN 51130. During the test a test person must stand and walk on an inclined plane. Oil is applied to the surface as a lubricant. The higher the R group, the greater the angle of inclination of the surface to be tested. The anti-slip class R11 guarantees slip resistance at an angle of inclination >19°-27°.

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