Client: Hotel Löwen, Zug, Switzerland
Assignment: anti-slide covering for 46 showers and 2 bathtubs.

Substrate: Acrylic trays and tubs

Antislip Solution: SWISS GRIP Bathroom
Slip Resistance: Slip resistance class C
Class C:      DIN EN 16165 / DIN51097 – Angle of inclination ≥ 24°
Class R11:  DIN EN 16165 / DIN51130 – Angle of inclination 19°-27°

Anti-slide covering on showers and bathtubs

Showers and tubs in 47 bathrooms are coated with SWISSGriP anti-slide covering after renovation.

The Hotel Löwen am See is a four-star hotel located in the picturesque old town of Zug on the shores of the beautiful Lake Zug. The family-run hotel with 47 rooms offers breathtaking views of the lake and the Swiss Alps. Zug has many beautiful hiking routes and water sports activities, and the hotel's comfortably furnished rooms invite you to relax and unwind when a long day comes to an end.

The hotel had already had the showers and tubs coated with our GriP anti-slide covering more than 11 years ago. During the renovation of the room bathrooms, new shower trays and bath tubs were installed. GriP Safety Coatings was therefore commissioned again to coat the showers and bathtubs with SWISSGriP.

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