Client: Atlantic Paradise Towers, Itapema, Brazil
Assignment: Anti-slip coating of glass bridge in outdoor area.

Substrate: Toughened glass.

Antislip Solution: SWISS GRIP Bathroom
Slip Resistance: Slip resistance class C
Class C:      DIN EN 16165 / DIN51097 – Angle of inclination ≥ 24°
Class R11:  DIN EN 16165 / DIN51130 – Angle of inclination 19°-27°

Glass bridge: Anti-slip renovation with GriP

Glass bridge is anti-slip renovated with translucent safety coating.

Usually made of a tempered glass, a transparent floor is often used as a tourist attraction.
Thrill included: Well-known tourist attractions include the 1100-meter-high skywalk over the Grand Canyon, the 478-meter observation deck of the Lotte World Tower in South Korea and the currently longest glass suspension bridge in Hebei Province with a total length of 488 meters.

However, walkable glass is also becoming increasingly popular in the public or commercial sector, and walkable glass is also finding its way into private homes more and more frequently, e.g. as walkable glass on balconies, terraces or stairs.
Walk-on glass is used in interior design, but also in outdoor areas. The slip resistance of the floor tiles used in these applications varies greatly, and GriP Safety Coating is often consulted when walk-on glass floors are slippery in damp conditions.

The glass bridge in the Atlantic Paradise Towers residential complex spans a spacious pool and leads directly to the stand. However, users of the bridge were always troubled by the slippery surface. SWISS GriP Brazil was commissioned to make the bridge slip-resistant and coated the glass panels. The glass floor now has slip resistance class C and users can use the bridge barefoot or with shoes without slipping. Moreover, as a bonus for those who are afraid of vertigo, with GriP transparent glass becomes translucent.

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