Client: Unternehmen Mitte, Basel, Switzerland
Assignment: Anti-slip treatment floor counter and kitchen area, 30 m2, GriP spray system.

Substrate: Artificial stone / cement.

Antislip Solution: SWISSGriP Floor
Slip Resistance: Slip resistance class C
Class C:      DIN EN 16165 / DIN51097 – Angle of inclination ≥ 24°
Class R11:  DIN EN 16165 / DIN51130 – Angle of inclination 19°-27°

Artificial stone floors with slip protection

Commercial flooring: artificial stone becomes slip-resistant with GriP.

The "unternehmen mitte" is housed in a former bank building. It is the largest coffee house in Basel and also offers an organic restaurant and event venue. The coffee house is located in the former banking hall and invites you to linger, read and work - it is said to be the living room of Basel. The guests like it and praise the ambience, the spacious rooms and of course the excellent coffee.

The red artificial stone floor was slippery in the work areas and the staff were always in danger of slipping on it. The cement floor in the counter area and the artificial stone floor in the kitchen were therefore treated with GriP AntiSlip. Since then, the staff can go about their work again - without the constant danger of slipping.

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